Saturday, March 26, 2011

Friday, March 25th 'What If' Question

Sometimes the mind wonders.

No more so than when watching a favorite television program and the commercials start. When watching NASCAR to break away to commercial is like stealing candy from a baby, if you were wise you wouldn't do it. If you were nice you also wouldn't do it, but commercials pay the bills and NASCAR fans have had a hard time dealing with that.

Commercials, commercials, commercials! They make everyone want to scream.

There are too many, they come on during inopportune times, whatever argument you can think of NASCAR has probably heard it when it comes to why the fans want to do away with commercials. Yet, that can't and won't happen, so they sit and watch and hope they aren't painful.

As drivers become bigger and bigger celebrities the more commercials they star in. During a NASCAR broadcast it might be safe to say that almost half of the commercials shown feature a driver and a sponsor. Everything from Dominos Pizza to Budweiser even Tums. There's been Viagra, Home Depot, Nextel, Sprint and car parts/stores. Of course, the Sponsafier commercials are in a league of their own.

Some are better than others and most are quite entertaining. Then there are some that have overstayed their welcome.

Since no one can control how many commercials are shown during a NASCAR broadcast it would be nice if they could at least give the fans some say in which ones are shown and how often. That however, can't and won't happen either. So, they'll continue to sit and watch and have certain jingles stuck in their heads as well as certain advertisements they wish they never saw.

But ...

What if you controlled the commercials during a #NASCAR broadcast, which ones would you keep and eliminate? (I'd get rid of Aarons)

@nascar200mph: Get rid of the comcast commercial

@ARosser14: I'd get rid of the Aaron's too, except where Lucky Dog dances. Also the Logano Sponsafier. So damned annoying.

@mikeymac5306: if I have to look at @mw55 shake his ass one more time...

@nathanmedic: Needless to say, I would rather blow my head off with a shotgun than hear Napa Know-How on repeat. :) Please, please put Danica and Jr. out of our misery by eliminating the Nationwide commercials with them.

@johnson1439: I would get rid of the Dale Jr commercials ( u and me both Jr ).

@Cruetten: i'd definitely get rid of the godaddy commercials. as far as which ones to keep, most of them are actually pretty good; but after you see them for the 30th time, they all get a little annoying. the "you and me both, jr" commercial comes to mind...

@Emily_488: Can you get rid of them all? If not, I'd go for everyone that has Danica in it and all the GoDaddy ones too.

@ollie1972: I'd get rid of commercials for trying to sell tickets to upcoming races

@WilliamCheerboy: Anything Nascar product commercial w/Nascar drivers. Just keep it with Nascar promos of the next race,, etc.

@RoushGirl17: I would get rid of all of our commercials because Canadian commercials suck and they have been showing the same ones for the last 3 yrs.

@hillbillyDem: I would get rid of all the "napa know how" commercials that includes singing first #nascar

@StrokerAce90: I'd get rid of them boner pill commercials. Nothin worse than hearing about a 4-hour erection while eating a BBQ'd hot dog.

1 comment:

  1. NAPA stays ....most all of them...fav being Michael on keyboard. The old DJ Brown truck's were fun. (Just saying as they're gone already) Can this new add w/Dale Jr and Danica "Dale ...Dale..looks like her ride vanished too" ..shoot me. The Nationwide dude needs to be hit by a NASCAR full throttle. (PS Sidenote Did you notice that Lady Gaga actually has the word GAG right in her name) ...anyhow. Retired but goodies from last year ...Still chuckle at the "Who doesn't love love" w/Hamlin and Reuty. And "Who doesn't love baby seals" w/Kyle.
